野臺繫 中台灣餐酒會
Gastronomie en scène
graphic design, culture
Art Director
余岱官 Kuan
Gastronomie en scène
graphic design, culture
Art Director
余岱官 Kuan
「野.臺.繫」是由一群來自各界的職人們組成的團體, 期望以各自的專業穿針引線,並以熱情奉獻的心意, 將在地的各種元素結合,量身打造「在地饗宴」。 餐桌上的美酒佳餚不只是味覺的饗宴,而是能了解在地文化最直接的方式。 美味的源頭,除了主廚的精湛的廚藝外, 要回溯到這片土地上孕育出的美好食材與人們, 這是屬於台灣自己的風土、我們的根。 - 整體視覺設計有著古早、鄉野的氛圍, 與活動推廣本土農產的目的相映。 呈現台灣草根精神、有力道的感受,就像那些腳踏實地、默默奉獻的在地職人們。
logo結合蔡崇三老師的書法字, 因為書法字體在運用上會有些限制, 以保有書法字本身的特色, 加上法文標語 : Gastronomie en scène.,意思是:美食上場。 讓logo整體更有識別感,運用上也比較不侷限。 主概念是臺灣的在地元素-茄芷袋, 從前的農村生活裡, 農人使用茄芷袋裝著各種與農相關的物品:工具、作物、食物等等, 茄芷袋與生活、土地食材、人、都有著深切的連繫。
熱鬧(紅):人情味 / 在地元素與職人聯手創作,臺灣料理文化的一場饗宴。
“Gastronomie en scène (Wild˙Taiwan˙Connection)” is a group organized by a group of professionals from multiple aspects. It expects to connect things by individual professions. Also, the mind of making passionate devotion has integrated all kinds of local elements to a custom-made “local feast”. The good wine and cuisine served on the dinning table provides more than just a feast of taste, it's the most direct approach to understand local culture. The good taste originates only from skillful chefs, it can be traced back to the good food material cultivated on the land and the local people. This is what belongs to Taiwanese domestic culture and our roots. - The overall visual design carries a retro and natural wild atmosphere that corresponds to the promotional goal of local agricultural products. It presents the Taiwanese rooted spirit and a forceful power, like those local professionals working practically with dedication in a low profile. The logo is integrated with teacher Cai Chong-san's calligraphy. Due to the application limits of the calligraphy font, the characteristic of the calligraphy font is kept and added with the French slogan, “Gastronomie en Scène” that means cuisine is served. The whole logo has a greater sense of identification and less application limits. The main concept is the Taiwanese local element- Ka-tsi bag (a Taiwanese-style bag). In agricultural life in the past, farmers used Ka-tsi bags to carry all kinds of farming necessities: tools, crops, food, etc. The Ka-tsi bag has a profound connection with life, local food materials, and people.
The three colors, blue, green and red respectively stand for:
Blue Sky: The scene of people watching dramas in the outdoor theater and having meals outdoors.
Green Land: Taiwanese local culture, the recognition of our own roots.
Hustle-and-bustle Atmosphere: Hospitality/a joint creation of local elements and professionals, a wonderful feast demonstrating the culture of Taiwanese cuisine.
That is the close-bonded presentation of "sky, land and people".
logo結合蔡崇三老師的書法字, 因為書法字體在運用上會有些限制, 以保有書法字本身的特色, 加上法文標語 : Gastronomie en scène.,意思是:美食上場。 讓logo整體更有識別感,運用上也比較不侷限。 主概念是臺灣的在地元素-茄芷袋, 從前的農村生活裡, 農人使用茄芷袋裝著各種與農相關的物品:工具、作物、食物等等, 茄芷袋與生活、土地食材、人、都有著深切的連繫。
熱鬧(紅):人情味 / 在地元素與職人聯手創作,臺灣料理文化的一場饗宴。
“Gastronomie en scène (Wild˙Taiwan˙Connection)” is a group organized by a group of professionals from multiple aspects. It expects to connect things by individual professions. Also, the mind of making passionate devotion has integrated all kinds of local elements to a custom-made “local feast”. The good wine and cuisine served on the dinning table provides more than just a feast of taste, it's the most direct approach to understand local culture. The good taste originates only from skillful chefs, it can be traced back to the good food material cultivated on the land and the local people. This is what belongs to Taiwanese domestic culture and our roots. - The overall visual design carries a retro and natural wild atmosphere that corresponds to the promotional goal of local agricultural products. It presents the Taiwanese rooted spirit and a forceful power, like those local professionals working practically with dedication in a low profile. The logo is integrated with teacher Cai Chong-san's calligraphy. Due to the application limits of the calligraphy font, the characteristic of the calligraphy font is kept and added with the French slogan, “Gastronomie en Scène” that means cuisine is served. The whole logo has a greater sense of identification and less application limits. The main concept is the Taiwanese local element- Ka-tsi bag (a Taiwanese-style bag). In agricultural life in the past, farmers used Ka-tsi bags to carry all kinds of farming necessities: tools, crops, food, etc. The Ka-tsi bag has a profound connection with life, local food materials, and people.
The three colors, blue, green and red respectively stand for:
Blue Sky: The scene of people watching dramas in the outdoor theater and having meals outdoors.
Green Land: Taiwanese local culture, the recognition of our own roots.
Hustle-and-bustle Atmosphere: Hospitality/a joint creation of local elements and professionals, a wonderful feast demonstrating the culture of Taiwanese cuisine.
That is the close-bonded presentation of "sky, land and people".