
Goodie Veggie Vegetarian Supermarket

branding, environment  

Art Director
余岱官 Kuan

余岱官 Kuan(品牌視覺、核心規劃)


樂膳自然爲一間以生鮮與有機產品為主的全素超市。 業主本人為長年素食者,因此以「讓素食者有一個較有尊嚴的購物環境」為出發點,樂膳自然就此誕生。

兩隻老虎看準超市特點在於無毒、環境友善之生鮮產品,加上背後的的素食推廣家族,以「知行合一,從根本出發,傳遞好的事物」為設計原則出發。 在蔬食推廣之餘,更重要的分享是愛、人,大;強調的是尊重、共生、根。

品牌視覺主要以自然、乾淨和專業為基準, 在各個印刷的應用上採用未加工的牛皮紙,搭配企業色的綠和米色。 而室內的視覺也包括了各式標示、課程內容、文宣, 在客戶購物之餘亦能容許樂膳自然教育和充實客戶在蔬食生活上的知識。

產品陳列上,貼心得標示出不同種的素食選擇,方便各種需求的客人在選購上能一目暸然。 窗明几淨的空間,以主色調綠+白+米,讓客戶在購物時能感受溫暖,達成最初的目標: 「購物過程中,身心靈達到平靜」。

Goodie Veggie Vegetarian Restaurant is an all-vegetarian grocery store. Located in a neighborhood where vegetarian foods were not as accessible, the owner, being a longtime vegetarian himself, decided to open up a grocery store that supplied such demands, with the goal to provide vegetarians and people who'd like more meatless options a convenient and dignified shopping space.

Goodie Veggie came to 2Tigers Design for help when it came to the establishing of the brand. Focusing on the keywords 'toxin-free' and 'environmentally friendly', 2Tigers arrived at the thesis of 'Spreading love with honesty from the root' for its design concept. More than just promoting meatless dietary options, Goodie Veggie wanted to also promote love. Love not only for the people but our land. It also wants to advocate the importance of a symbiotic ecosystem. The overall design scheme follows a natural, clean and wholesome one. In various print applications, craft paper was opted over coated paper.

The interior space included various signage and informative posters to allow patrons to stay informed on dietary knowledge while browsing the shelves. Additionally, items are all labelled in their respective vegetarian categories, whether that be vegan, lacto vegetarian, or others. The colors moss green, kelly green and off-white are seen throughout the store in order to provide people a warm and peaceful shopping experience.
