{胎毛筆} 而製作胎毛筆乃自古流傳的文化,具有靈氣的胎毛,將保佑孩子金榜題名、一生平安順利,筆桿本身的造型圓潤而簡約,襯托出木頭本身沉靜的氣息
{胎毛化妝刷} 以淺粉紅與古銅金為胎毛化妝刷的主要色系,書卷氣的深藍紙出現在外包裝上,框出慕璽整體品牌感,包裝以展示台概念表現,可以當作是收藏品陳列於家中,希望獻給每個初生的孩子一份雋永的祝福
As the proprietary brand of Tin Shing Brush Manufacturing Company Limited, Moonsyne is a manufacturer of boutique products made as soft as a baby's first cut hair. The scholarly dark blue color is complemented by pink and bronze colors to form the overall visual's main color scheme, the illustration symbolizes baby's hair and celebratory fireworks.
{Brush pen made with your baby's first cut hair} The production of brush pen using baby's first cut hair is an ancient tradition and culture, baby's first cut hair has abundant aura, blessing the child's academic progress, endowing him or her with peace and prosperity. The pen shaft's design is round, smooth and minimalist accentuating the calm demeanor of wood.
{Makeup brush made with your baby's first cut hair} Main colors of the makeup brush consist of pink and bronze, the exterior packaging is made from scholarly dark blue paper to highlight Moonsyne's overall brand quality with packaging inspired by the concept of a display cabinet, it can be displayed at home as part of your collection. Hoping to endow each baby with eternal blessing.
{胎毛筆} 而製作胎毛筆乃自古流傳的文化,具有靈氣的胎毛,將保佑孩子金榜題名、一生平安順利,筆桿本身的造型圓潤而簡約,襯托出木頭本身沉靜的氣息
{胎毛化妝刷} 以淺粉紅與古銅金為胎毛化妝刷的主要色系,書卷氣的深藍紙出現在外包裝上,框出慕璽整體品牌感,包裝以展示台概念表現,可以當作是收藏品陳列於家中,希望獻給每個初生的孩子一份雋永的祝福
As the proprietary brand of Tin Shing Brush Manufacturing Company Limited, Moonsyne is a manufacturer of boutique products made as soft as a baby's first cut hair. The scholarly dark blue color is complemented by pink and bronze colors to form the overall visual's main color scheme, the illustration symbolizes baby's hair and celebratory fireworks.
{Brush pen made with your baby's first cut hair} The production of brush pen using baby's first cut hair is an ancient tradition and culture, baby's first cut hair has abundant aura, blessing the child's academic progress, endowing him or her with peace and prosperity. The pen shaft's design is round, smooth and minimalist accentuating the calm demeanor of wood.
{Makeup brush made with your baby's first cut hair} Main colors of the makeup brush consist of pink and bronze, the exterior packaging is made from scholarly dark blue paper to highlight Moonsyne's overall brand quality with packaging inspired by the concept of a display cabinet, it can be displayed at home as part of your collection. Hoping to endow each baby with eternal blessing.