專賣工廠直營的羽絨被與羽絨枕/進口童裝,女裝 Logo以N和B的縮寫組成,帶出羽絨產品纖細精巧的氣息 以咖啡橘與淺藍色作為品牌主要色系, 咖啡橘多用在寢具包裝上,傳達溫暖舒適的居家感, 淺藍色則是服裝包材的主色, 希望帶給客人輕鬆自在的氛圍。
Bedding & Clothing Selling exclusively down comforters and pillows directly from the factory and importing children's and women's clothing. The logo comprises letters N and B to bring out the delicate, refined demeanor of down products. Main colors of the brand consist of brown orange and light blue,brown orange is mostly applied to bedding packaging to convey a sense of warmth, comfort and home,light blue is the main color of clothing packaging material to introduce an air of casualness and leisureliness for the customers.
Bedding & Clothing Selling exclusively down comforters and pillows directly from the factory and importing children's and women's clothing. The logo comprises letters N and B to bring out the delicate, refined demeanor of down products. Main colors of the brand consist of brown orange and light blue,brown orange is mostly applied to bedding packaging to convey a sense of warmth, comfort and home,light blue is the main color of clothing packaging material to introduce an air of casualness and leisureliness for the customers.