Panakeia Hot Pot
branding, graphic design, culture, restaurant
Art Director
余岱官 Kuan
Food Photography(火鍋情境照)
Panakeia Hot Pot
branding, graphic design, culture, restaurant
Art Director
余岱官 Kuan
Food Photography(火鍋情境照)
德記火鍋的起源要回朔到有百年歷史的老中藥店「杏春德記中藥房」, 創辦人的父親溫德福在世時仁心仁術,施藥贈米幫助弱勢。 第五代傳人溫仲景的餐飲經驗加上中醫專業背景下創立了德記火鍋, 品牌視覺由此出發,訴說後代寓醫於食,承接祖先的事業與德性。 - 設計核心: 環繞在杏春老中藥店與主理人們代代相傳的精神, logo營造像是杏春藥房堅穩、大氣而有歲月痕跡的建築外觀, 還帶有點對食材品質堅持的一絲不苟、嚴肅氣氛, 傳達德記火鍋創辦人謹守父親「藥補不如食補」家訓, 將祖業以新的方式發揚光大。
|濃郁強烈| 整體氛圍的濃度,代表火鍋湯頭的「滋補」與溫家人樂善好施的「人情味」。
|大色塊的斑駁紋理| 是溫家人代代樸實而有力量的人格、老中藥店的沈穩霸氣和歷史感, 象徵德記火鍋讓百年中藥店的老字號精神歷久彌新。
|印章| 章有專業認證的意象,以中國古字的「鼎(鍋)+火+艸(草藥)」結合,直接的代表產業特性。 一方面帶出德記火鍋的訴求:中國藥膳調理,傳承老祖宗遵循自然法則的食補養生智慧。
The origin of Panakeia Hot Pot could be traced back to the century-old Chinese pharmacy–Xing Chun De Ji. The founder’s father, Wen Defu was a benevolent man in his life as he would prescribe medication for the ill, and give rice to the poor. Fifth-generation descendant, Wen Zhongjing founded Panakeia Hot Pot with his know-how in dining and his professional background in Chinese medicine. The identity for this project takes up the ethos of later Chinese medicine in the remedial value of food, continuing the virtue and mission of ancestors.
Central idea of design:
The core of the project is to preserve and bring to light the values Xing Chun De Ji pharmacy. Structurally, the logo demonstrates the sturdiness of the venerable pharmacy, which can further be interpreted as the founder’s insistence on holding food quality to the utmost standards.
By following the age-old instruction of the Wen family, Wen Zhongjing illuminated his father’s words “food cures better than medicine” in a whole new innovative way.
Robust and intense / The overall robustness and saturation represent the nutritious quality of the broth and the generous warmth the Wen family exudes.
Texture in the worn color blocks / The textural color blocking speaks of the Wens cross-generation perseverance, as well as Xing Chun De Ji’s spirit that stood the test of time.
Stamp motif / The motif connotes professional certification. Taking parts in the Chinese characters of ‘pot’ and ‘herb’, the stamp communicates the essences of the establishment. Additionally, it reemphasizes Panakeia Hot Pot’s demand for the wisdom of Chinese remedy and culinary arts.
|濃郁強烈| 整體氛圍的濃度,代表火鍋湯頭的「滋補」與溫家人樂善好施的「人情味」。
|大色塊的斑駁紋理| 是溫家人代代樸實而有力量的人格、老中藥店的沈穩霸氣和歷史感, 象徵德記火鍋讓百年中藥店的老字號精神歷久彌新。
|印章| 章有專業認證的意象,以中國古字的「鼎(鍋)+火+艸(草藥)」結合,直接的代表產業特性。 一方面帶出德記火鍋的訴求:中國藥膳調理,傳承老祖宗遵循自然法則的食補養生智慧。
The origin of Panakeia Hot Pot could be traced back to the century-old Chinese pharmacy–Xing Chun De Ji. The founder’s father, Wen Defu was a benevolent man in his life as he would prescribe medication for the ill, and give rice to the poor. Fifth-generation descendant, Wen Zhongjing founded Panakeia Hot Pot with his know-how in dining and his professional background in Chinese medicine. The identity for this project takes up the ethos of later Chinese medicine in the remedial value of food, continuing the virtue and mission of ancestors.
Central idea of design:
The core of the project is to preserve and bring to light the values Xing Chun De Ji pharmacy. Structurally, the logo demonstrates the sturdiness of the venerable pharmacy, which can further be interpreted as the founder’s insistence on holding food quality to the utmost standards.
By following the age-old instruction of the Wen family, Wen Zhongjing illuminated his father’s words “food cures better than medicine” in a whole new innovative way.
Robust and intense / The overall robustness and saturation represent the nutritious quality of the broth and the generous warmth the Wen family exudes.
Texture in the worn color blocks / The textural color blocking speaks of the Wens cross-generation perseverance, as well as Xing Chun De Ji’s spirit that stood the test of time.
Stamp motif / The motif connotes professional certification. Taking parts in the Chinese characters of ‘pot’ and ‘herb’, the stamp communicates the essences of the establishment. Additionally, it reemphasizes Panakeia Hot Pot’s demand for the wisdom of Chinese remedy and culinary arts.