SHI FENG SIANG Taiwan Pastry_Store Identity
store identity, wedding, souvenir
Art Director
余岱官 Kuan
余岱官 Kuan
SHI FENG SIANG Taiwan Pastry_Store Identity
store identity, wedding, souvenir
Art Director
余岱官 Kuan
余岱官 Kuan
喜豐香的品牌調性塑造:將中式傳統以優雅並帶些日式風情呈現,訴說著第二代之學經歷背景,並將漢餅文化以不同形式與風貌推廣與傳承。 店舖開設於審計新村,為最佳場域呈現品牌精神 - 新舊之間交融 ; 保留了舊屋的原貌-磨石子地板,空間以深色木材質感與精緻訂製桌腳等來呈現傳統穩重感,並與西式半牆線版之現代手感交融,加上大理石與金色層板,來營造精緻現代與傳統氛圍 ; 包裝亦為室內空間之重要裝飾品,讓前來賓客隨處欣賞與強化購買慾望。 紅線繚繞,繾綣纏綿,將包裝視覺中的重要元素-代表姻緣的紅線,以燈具方式呈現。 以又新又舊的精緻氛圍,吸引不同族群認識傳統文化,進而開拓年輕市場。
Presenting Chinese tradition with elegance and a Japanese approach, Shi Feng Shiang’s identity tells the story of Taiwanese pastry from a second-generation perspective. Shi Feng Shiang is reimagining Taiwanese pastry with the goal of promoting and preserving the artisanship. Shi Feng Shiang pastry shop is located in the the heart of Shen Ji New Village, a hub for emerging artists and makers alike; an intersection where old crafts and new ideas meet. Retaining most of what used to be a public dorm apartment, including the original terrazzo floors,the pastry shop incorporates other elements such as walnut-finish wood and bespoke legs on the tables to enhance a sophisticated feel. With marble accents and gold display shelves, the retail space cleverly fuses contemporary aesthetics with traditional ones. The custom-designed gift boxes also play an important visual role in the space, prompting customers to take interest in the fine details on the boxes. Throughout the space, string lights are hung everywhere in order to extend the concept of red strings, which also represent ‘good marriage’ in Chinese culture. With a mixture of traditional and contemporary elements, the space is able to attract old and young patrons alike.
Presenting Chinese tradition with elegance and a Japanese approach, Shi Feng Shiang’s identity tells the story of Taiwanese pastry from a second-generation perspective. Shi Feng Shiang is reimagining Taiwanese pastry with the goal of promoting and preserving the artisanship. Shi Feng Shiang pastry shop is located in the the heart of Shen Ji New Village, a hub for emerging artists and makers alike; an intersection where old crafts and new ideas meet. Retaining most of what used to be a public dorm apartment, including the original terrazzo floors,the pastry shop incorporates other elements such as walnut-finish wood and bespoke legs on the tables to enhance a sophisticated feel. With marble accents and gold display shelves, the retail space cleverly fuses contemporary aesthetics with traditional ones. The custom-designed gift boxes also play an important visual role in the space, prompting customers to take interest in the fine details on the boxes. Throughout the space, string lights are hung everywhere in order to extend the concept of red strings, which also represent ‘good marriage’ in Chinese culture. With a mixture of traditional and contemporary elements, the space is able to attract old and young patrons alike.