北港武德宮 (服務台設計) - 以中國傳統廟宇文化思維的建築語彙、美學工藝為出發點,在其傳統建築物的空間,發展出香齊呼應的設計元素。中國傳統廟宇的圖像語彙,總有著很深的代表意義,將代表著吉祥富貴的圖騰與建材運用於本作品中。融合古今的文化元素,發展出工藝美學的設計線條。
The Beigang Wude Temple (Desk Design) - The construction of the temple was based on the architecture language and aesthetics craftsmanship from the cultural thinking of a Chinese traditional temple, which developed its design elements within the space of a traditional architecture.
The Beigang Wude Temple (Desk Design) - The construction of the temple was based on the architecture language and aesthetics craftsmanship from the cultural thinking of a Chinese traditional temple, which developed its design elements within the space of a traditional architecture.