Weightstone 威石東台灣葡萄酒
Weightstone Vineyard Estate & Winery
brand strategy, branding, package design,
graphic design, web design, culture
Art Director
余岱官 Kuan
余岱官 Kuan(品牌視覺、核心規劃)
樂圖影像─WE by weightstone
Arko studio&隨寓工作室─BOBO
Brand Image Photography
Weightstone Vineyard Estate & Winery
brand strategy, branding, package design,
graphic design, web design, culture
Art Director
余岱官 Kuan
余岱官 Kuan(品牌視覺、核心規劃)
樂圖影像─WE by weightstone
Arko studio&隨寓工作室─BOBO
Brand Image Photography
台灣處在釀酒環境相當艱困的亞熱帶島嶼上, 開創葡萄酒事業是非常不容易的。 在政府停止釀酒技術扶植後,許多的葡萄園逐漸荒廢。
Weightstone來自致力提升台灣農業的興農企業, 創辦人在40載的農業生涯中, 推動並創新許多能改善台灣農業環境的產品與服務, 他人生中最後一個願望,是協助台灣的葡萄酒產業。 希望透過打造一座現代化的葡萄園, 做出一瓶令台灣人驕傲的葡萄酒。
品牌logo以家徽的方式呈現, 象徵著台灣農業的牛,與其默默耕耘的精神, W與S的結合,層疊的線條透露 Weightstone 踏實的堆疊與累積。 釀製葡萄酒是西方的技術, 在視覺呈現上融入了東方的精神及文化, 代表四季的梅蘭竹菊也是敘述農業應順應天時而作, 盤長繩結、如意將品牌永續經營的概念堆疊其中, 也取核心人物,其名“亞”字作為輪廓外型。 在瓶身包裝紙將 Weightstone 的核心理念,以插畫的手法表現。 這是醞釀許久、等待開甕醒醮的酒品, 固然在設計導向除了現代(俐落的色彩分割)更保有經典的氣息。
請容我們以謙恭的心與熱烈的期望, 為您獻上這款獨一無二的台灣葡萄酒。
Taiwan is a subtropical island with unfavorable conditions for brewing wine, therefore starting a winery is extremely difficult. After the government ceased supporting wine making technology development, many vineyards were left abandoned. Weightstone came from Sinon Corporation, a company dedicated to advancing agriculture in Taiwan. In our founder's four decade career in agriculture, he has launched numerous innovative products and services that helped to improve the Taiwanese agriculture industry ,his last wish was to assist the wine industry in Taiwan. He hopes to create a modern vineyard,and a bottle of wine that all Taiwanese people can be proud of.
The logo is presented in the form of a family crest,the ox is a symbol of Taiwanese agriculture and spirit of diligent hard work,the combination of W and S as well as the overlapping lines signify weightstone's down-to-earth qualities and heritage. Wine making is a western technology,but in visual presentation, eastern spirit and culture are included plum blossom, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, flowers of four seasons also portray the climate-dependent nature of farming Chinese knot and Ruyi infuse the concept of sustainable management to the brand, while the name of the brand's key figure "亞" is also used as the inspiration for designing the outline of the logo. The central philosophy of Weightstone is embodied on the bottle packaging paper in the form of illustration. This is a barrel-aged wine awaiting to be decanted and appreciated, thus a hint of classic demeanor is preserved amid the contemporary design (slick color segmentation).
With a humble heart and passionate expectations, we dedicate this unique Taiwanese wine to you.
台灣處在釀酒環境相當艱困的亞熱帶島嶼上, 開創葡萄酒事業是非常不容易的。 在政府停止釀酒技術扶植後,許多的葡萄園逐漸荒廢。
Weightstone來自致力提升台灣農業的興農企業, 創辦人在40載的農業生涯中, 推動並創新許多能改善台灣農業環境的產品與服務, 他人生中最後一個願望,是協助台灣的葡萄酒產業。 希望透過打造一座現代化的葡萄園, 做出一瓶令台灣人驕傲的葡萄酒。
品牌logo以家徽的方式呈現, 象徵著台灣農業的牛,與其默默耕耘的精神, W與S的結合,層疊的線條透露 Weightstone 踏實的堆疊與累積。 釀製葡萄酒是西方的技術, 在視覺呈現上融入了東方的精神及文化, 代表四季的梅蘭竹菊也是敘述農業應順應天時而作, 盤長繩結、如意將品牌永續經營的概念堆疊其中, 也取核心人物,其名“亞”字作為輪廓外型。 在瓶身包裝紙將 Weightstone 的核心理念,以插畫的手法表現。 這是醞釀許久、等待開甕醒醮的酒品, 固然在設計導向除了現代(俐落的色彩分割)更保有經典的氣息。
請容我們以謙恭的心與熱烈的期望, 為您獻上這款獨一無二的台灣葡萄酒。
Taiwan is a subtropical island with unfavorable conditions for brewing wine, therefore starting a winery is extremely difficult. After the government ceased supporting wine making technology development, many vineyards were left abandoned. Weightstone came from Sinon Corporation, a company dedicated to advancing agriculture in Taiwan. In our founder's four decade career in agriculture, he has launched numerous innovative products and services that helped to improve the Taiwanese agriculture industry ,his last wish was to assist the wine industry in Taiwan. He hopes to create a modern vineyard,and a bottle of wine that all Taiwanese people can be proud of.
The logo is presented in the form of a family crest,the ox is a symbol of Taiwanese agriculture and spirit of diligent hard work,the combination of W and S as well as the overlapping lines signify weightstone's down-to-earth qualities and heritage. Wine making is a western technology,but in visual presentation, eastern spirit and culture are included plum blossom, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, flowers of four seasons also portray the climate-dependent nature of farming Chinese knot and Ruyi infuse the concept of sustainable management to the brand, while the name of the brand's key figure "亞" is also used as the inspiration for designing the outline of the logo. The central philosophy of Weightstone is embodied on the bottle packaging paper in the form of illustration. This is a barrel-aged wine awaiting to be decanted and appreciated, thus a hint of classic demeanor is preserved amid the contemporary design (slick color segmentation).
With a humble heart and passionate expectations, we dedicate this unique Taiwanese wine to you.