「 附近,美好生活由此進!」 附近,是臺灣男裝 Plain-me在富錦民生社區裡, 一間堅持自身美好理想的Select shop, 在生活的範疇裡,提供著每個最適切、最剛好的選擇。 融合FUJIN的F與J字頭,重組成附近的代表符號, 再拆解開來構成附近的中文標準字, 恰恰詮釋了plain-me搭配美好的一天 Mix&Match的概念。 附近的符號有著風格的銳度,也帶著圓潤的生活感, 邀請大家一起走進附近,美好生活由此進。
Fujin, gateway to a wonderful life! Upholding wonderful aspirations and ideals, Fujin is a select shop opened by Taiwanese men's fashion label Plain-me. Inside the Fujin Minsheng Community, offering consumers with the most suitable and fitting choices in life. Letters F and J from Fujin are rearranged to form the iconic symbol, they are deconstructed to compose standard Chinese characters of Fujin, making them perfect rendition of plain-me's perfect day mix & match concept. Fujin's logo emanates the sharpness of fashion coupled with round, smooth living attitude, we cordially invite everyone to visit Fujin - the gateway to a wonderful life.
Fujin, gateway to a wonderful life! Upholding wonderful aspirations and ideals, Fujin is a select shop opened by Taiwanese men's fashion label Plain-me. Inside the Fujin Minsheng Community, offering consumers with the most suitable and fitting choices in life. Letters F and J from Fujin are rearranged to form the iconic symbol, they are deconstructed to compose standard Chinese characters of Fujin, making them perfect rendition of plain-me's perfect day mix & match concept. Fujin's logo emanates the sharpness of fashion coupled with round, smooth living attitude, we cordially invite everyone to visit Fujin - the gateway to a wonderful life.