Chochoco巧克力專賣店。 Logo以流動液體的線條表現巧克力濃郁感。 品嚐巧克力也是一個時尚與品味的表徵,所以主色系以黑色加上金色表現精品感,搭配粉藍色與粉紅色來拉近與消費者的距離,並強調巧克力帶來的夢幻感受。在量身打造的插畫中感受到巧克力為人們帶來的魔法,傳遞chochoco品牌精神。
Chochoco is a shop selling chocolate. The logo used flowing lines to represent the richness of the chocolate. The color of black and golden reflects modernity and elegance while adding baby blue and pink to get close to the consumers and highlighting the dreamlike feeling of the chocolate. The custom illustration seems like a magic and delivers the brand spirit of chochoco.
Chochoco is a shop selling chocolate. The logo used flowing lines to represent the richness of the chocolate. The color of black and golden reflects modernity and elegance while adding baby blue and pink to get close to the consumers and highlighting the dreamlike feeling of the chocolate. The custom illustration seems like a magic and delivers the brand spirit of chochoco.